Policy Briefs All BG DE EL EN ES FR IT
Social media narratives on Europe and migration – seen from an outside Europe point of view
Social media narratives on Europe and migration
Good practices and recommendations tackling information campaigns gaps in Morocco: practitioners’ perspective
Good practices & recommendations tackling information campaigns gaps in Morocco
Beyond the Boats: Unpacking the Primary Drivers of Tunisian Migration
Insights and Recommendations for targeted policies
Messaging on migration-related risks
Recommendations from the field of crisis and risk communication
Investigación para una política basada en evidencia en el ámbito de las migraciones
En respuesta a la demanda de tender un puente entre la ciencia (entendida como conocimiento experto…
Research for evidence-based policy in the area of migration
In response to the demand for a bridging between science (understood as expert knowledge and…
Enfants non accompagnés et séparés : perceptions, menaces et meilleures pratiques 1 Les enfants non accompagnés et séparés en déplacement
En 2021, le nombre d'enfants non accompagnés demandeurs d'asile dans l'UE a augmenté de 72 % par…
Unaccompanied and Separated Children on the move
In 2021, the number of unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the EU rose by 72 percent compared…
Políticas de asilo en la Unión Europea: Recomendaciones de profesionales y solicitantes de asilo
Los resultados del proyecto PERCEPTIONS han puesto de manifiesto varias deficiencias de las…
European Union Asylum Policies: Lessons learned from front-line practitioners and asylum seekers
Findings from the PERCEPTIONS Project revealed shortcomings in the European Union´s asylum policy at…
The Role of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in shaping perceptions
CSOs provide a number of activities and services aimed at fostering the integration of migrants1…
Genderneutrale Integrationspolitik lässt die Bedürfnisse weiblicher Opfer von Menschenhandel zum Zwecke der sexuellen Ausbeutung unberücksichtigt
Migrantinnen, die Opfer von Menschenhandel zum Zwecke der sexuellen Ausbeutung geworden sind, sehen…
Gender-Neutral Integration Policies Fail Female Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation
Migrant women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation face a myriad of complex problems as…
Verbesserung der medialen Berichterstattung über Migration
Die Berichterstattung in Massenmedien über Migration ist oftmals negativ und lässt die Perspektive…
Mejora de la cobertura sobre migraciones en los medios de comunicación
La información sobre migración en los principales medios de comunicación a menudo se centra en…
Improving mainstream media reporting on migration
Reporting on migration by mainstream media often focuses on negative news and lacks the perspective…
How can policymakers tackle misinformation and disinformation?
Information behaviour of migrants or intended migrants is studied by researchers to understand the…
Curbing Nigerian-Italian Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation
Italy’s illegal commercialised sex industry is estimated to be worth 90 million Euro and involves up…
Contrastare la tratta nigeriano-italiana per lo sfrutamento sessuale di esseri umani
Si stima che l'industria del sesso illegale in Italia abbia un valore di 90 milioni di euro e…
Αξιοποίηση της Μεθοδολογίας για την καλύτερη Αξιολόγηση Βέλτιστων Πρακτικών στην ΕΕ
Ο κύριος στόχος αυτού του κειμένου έκθεσης πολιτικής είναι να παρέχει μια επισκόπηση των κύριων…
Metodologie per una migliore valutazione delle best practices a livello europeo
L'obiettivo principale di questo policy brief è fornire una panoramica delle principali sfide…
Utilization of Methodology for enhanced Assessment on Best Practices at the EU level
The main objective of this policy brief is to provide an overview of the main methodological…
L’impatto delle politiche di immigrazione del Regno Unito sull’ anti-schiavitù moderna
Con il 69% delle segnalazioni al sistema di identificazione e supporto del Regno Unito provenienti…
The impact of UK immigration policies on the antimodern slavery agenda
With 69% of referrals to the UK’s modern slavery identification and support system coming from…
I servizi di housing per i migranti: aspettative e incongruenze
Come le realtà abitative degli immigrati non coincidono con la percezione che i migranti hanno…
Mismatched: Migrant Housing
How the realities of migrant housing mismatch with migrant perceptions of Europe & what to do…
Lo scopo di questo policy brief è analizzare la responsabilità dei fornitori di servizi internet nei…
La finalidad de esa policy brief es analizar en términos jurídicos la responsabilidad de los…
Liability of Internet Service Providers for Hate Speech in Migration Contexts
The purpose of this policy brief is to analyse the liability of internet service providers in cases…
Sicherer Transfer für syrische Flüchtlinge oder doch von der ‚Politik vergessen‘?
Auswirkungen der EU-Türkei-Erklärung und des gemeinsamen griechischen Ministerbeschlusses
Safer Transits or Legal Oblivion for Syrian Refugees?
The 2016 EU-Turkey Statement and the succeeding 2021 Greek Joint Ministerial Decision have affected…
Transiti più sicuri o “oblio legale” per i rifugiati siriani?
Implicazioni della dichiarazione UE-Turchia e della decisione ministeriale congiunta della Grecia
Utilizzare le rimesse per aumentare la resilienza delle famiglie in Senegal e Gambia
Le rimesse, definite come la parte di salario che i lavoratori migranti inviano nel paese di…
Using remittances to boost household resilience in Senegal and The Gambia
This brief is based on a case study on the relationship between SeneGambian remittances and the…
COVID-19, Migration and Human Rights in the EU
Main Challenges Facing Migrants During the COVID-19 Crisis and Their Fundamental Human Rights
COVID-19, миграцията и правата на човека в ЕС
Основни предизвикателства пред мигрантите по време на кризата COVID-19 и техните основни човешки…
La politica britannica in materia di asilo e immigrazione: maggiore sicurezza o maggiore insicurezza?
Dal documento del 2002 "Secure Borders, Safe Haven" al disegno di legge del 2022 "Nationality and…
UK asylum and immigration policy in focus: improved security or increased insecurity?
From the 2002 ‘Secure Borders, Safe Haven’ white paper to the 2022 ‘Nationality and Borders’ bill,…
Percezioni degli operatori di prima linea per migliorare la gestione e i servizi per la migrazione
Gli operatori di prima linea (First-Line Practitioners, FLP) hanno un contatto professionale diretto…
Practitioners’ perceptions for improving migration management and services
First-line practitioners (FLPs) have direct professional contact with migrants, law enforcement…
Vulnerabilità e sfruttamento dei lavoratori migranti nell’agricoltura italiana
Molti migranti lasciano i loro Paesi con la speranza e la percezione di trovare in Europa…
Vulnerabilidad y explotación de los trabajadores migrantes en la agricultura italiana
Muchos migrantes salen de sus países con la esperanza y la percepción de encontrar en Europa…
Vulnerability and exploitation of migrant workers in Italian agriculture
Many migrants leave their countries with the hope and perception to find decent job opportunities,…
Мигранти & ИКТ
Използване на дигитални средства и онлайн медии за достигане до мигранти
Migranti e TIC
Come utilizzare gli strumenti e i media digitali per raggiungere i migranti
Sostenere la ricerca etica sulla migrazione
Questo policy brief mira a fornire agli enti finanziatori strumenti pratici per anticipare e…
Υποστήριξη της έρευνας για την ηθική δεοντολογία στη μετανάστευση
Η παρούσα έκθεση πολιτικής έχει στόχο να παράσχει στους φορείς χρηματοδότησης τα πρακτικά εργαλεία…
Unterstützung ethischer Migrationsforschung
Dieser Policy Brief soll Förderstellen anhand praktischer Beispiele einen Überblick über etwaige…
Campagne di informazione finanziate dall’Europa per contrastare la migrazione irregolare dal Gambia
Secondo l'OIM, tra il 2014 e il 2018, oltre 35.000 gambiani sono arrivati in Europa attraversando…
European-funded information campaigns contrasting irregular migration from The Gambia
According to the IOM, between 2014 and 2018, over 35,000 Gambians arrived in Europe along irregular…