Sara Carrasco Granger
My research interests are in migration, human rights, international law, political philosophy and civic studies, but mainly, migration and human rights.

- Position: Research Fellow
- Organisation: Rey Juan Carlos University
- Category: Academic
- Expertise: Violence and abuse
- Interests: Violation of Human Rights
- Languages: English Spanish French Spanish
Contact Information
ResearchGate: bio
Graduate in Policy Studies from SU, NY, USA. Master in International Migration from the University of Valencia and Master in Public Policy and Ethics for Democratization and Development, IEPALA, Complutense University. She also holds a Diploma in Mental Health in Situations of Political Violence and Catastrophes and is an ICER Fellow (Institute for Civically Engaged Research, Tufts University). She is a member of the Good Governance Observatory of URJC, and collaborates with PICUM and the H2020 European Commission PERCEPTIONS research project. Currently completing her PhD studies on the migrant refugee binary and its implications for the guarantee of human rights.
Políticas de asilo en la Unión Europea: Recomendaciones de profesionales y solicitantes de asilo
European Union Asylum Policies: Lessons learned from front-line practitioners and asylum seekers